Mary Banks

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Director of Admissions Consulting, Quad Education Group

Mary Banks is the Director of Admissions Consulting at Quad Education Group and has worked for 40 years in the higher education industry. Mary has served as the Director of Admissions at the Columbia School of Nursing and Associate Director of Admissions at the Columbia School of Business.

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3 Reasons To Encourage Your Teen to Get a Summer Job or Internship

Summer is the best time for teenagers to develop and learn these three skills, which will serve them well throughout their careers.


La Generación Z está perdiendo la fe en el título universitario — aquí tienes 3 razones por las que sigue siendo importante para ellos

Un título universitario puede no ser esencial para el éxito, pero aquí hay tres razones cruciales por las que deberías animar a tus hijos de la Generación Z a obtener uno.


Gen Z is Losing Faith In the College Degree — Here's 3 Reasons Why It's Still Important For Them

A college degree may not be essential for success but here are three crucial reasons you should encourage your Gen Z kids to still get one.


4 Ways to Support Your Child Through the College Acceptance (and Rejection) Process

Rejections from dream colleges can cause distress and disappointment for students. But with a healthy and understanding environment at home, created with these four strategies, you can help your teen cope and bounce back.


3 habilidades esenciales para ayudar a tu adolescente a triunfar en la universidad

A medida que los adolescentes continúan enfrentando una creciente ansiedad en torno a su desempeño académico y otros aspectos de su vida, aquí hay tres cosas que como padres podemos hacer para dotarlos de las habilidades que necesitan para salir adelante.

Life Hacks

3 Quintessential Skills To Help Your Teen Thrive in College

As teens continue to face increased anxiety around academic achievement and other parts of their life, here are three things we can do as parents to equip them with the skills they need to thrive.

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